Business Development
Der Robin CycFX 4 knüpft an den Erfolgs des CycFX 8 an.
4x15 RGBW LED Multichips
1.780 lux @ 5 m / 1.240 lm
8° - 63°
Sun Strip Effekt, Pixelansteuerung, vorprogrammierte Farb- und Weißtöne
The second series of The Masked Singer SA was one of the most successful music TV shows of 2024, broadcast on SABC, and featuring an outstanding production lighting design created by two of the country’s most talented LDs, Ryan Lombard and Joshua Cutts, based around the core components of 150 Robe moving lights.
The first South Africa and Ghana editions of the hit TV game show Family Feud brought to SA and produced by Rapid Blue were recorded in December & January at the Urban Brew Studios in Johannesburg, with lighting designed by Joshua Cutts and supplied by Blond Productions … including 12 x Robe ESPRITE LED profiles newly purchased by Blond … making their African TV production debut!
Robe moving lights were all over the rig designed by Ryan Lombard, H.O.D of show lighting for lighting suppliers Blond Productions, for the latest series of popular Afrikaans language music quiz “Noot vir Noot” which is broadcast on South Africa’s SABC2 channel.
The first three-day Times Square ‘Weekender’ Festival was staged in the centre of Newcastle in the UK and was closed with a rousing performance by local heroes Maximo Park, with an all Robe moving light rig supplied to the event by locally based R&M Productions.
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