Business Development
The ClubScan 250 CT comes with new electronics and software. This enables the master/slave and stand-alone operations. The option of ″auto-″ or ″music-trigger″ is also available for easy control. There‘s a gobo wheel with 9 new unique gobos; a colour wheel with 11 dichroic colours and UV effect filter and 3 multi-colour filters + open; a shutter with a strobe effect.
Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, the UK’s highest profile and best known festival event once again proves a massive hit for Robe moving lights – over 600 of which were deployed on a multiplicity of stages site-wide, including in major creative areas like Arcadia’s giant spider spectacular show and legendary underground dance destination, Block 9.
Located with magnificent panoramic views, 71 floors up on top of the luxury Swissotel The Stamford in Singapore, the New Asia Bar is one of the most exclusive club and night venues in town, with a friendly chic atmosphere and a high profile discerning clientele.
South African Music Award (SAMA) winning country music duo, The Campbells, recently purchased 10 Robe ClubScan 250 CTs to upgrade lighting for their stage show, which were supplied by Robe's Johannesburg-based South African distributor, DWR.
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