Business Development
Dank einer neuen Generation von 19 Stück 30% hellerer 15W RGBW-LED-Multichips ist der ROBIN® LEDWash 300X in der neuen X-Version ein Arbeitstier im kleinen Formfaktor. Er bietet die für die LEDWash-Serie bekannte, perfekt homogen ausleuchtende Facettenoptik mit hohem Wirkungsgrad und besonders originalgetreuen Farben und Nuancen. Der motorisierte lineare Zoom fährt sehr weit von 8 bis 63 Grad.
19x 15W RGBW LED Multichips
5.580 lm, 4.895 lx @ 5 m
8° - 63°
3 steuerbare LED Ringe, Regenbogen-Effekte, Tungsten (Glühlampen)-Effekt, vorprogrammierte Weißtöne
Die integrierte virtuelle Farbbibliothek DataSwatch™ für Robe LED-Scheinwerfer bietet bis zu 237 vorprogrammierte und kalibrierte Farben und Nuancen für schnelle und genaue Programmierung identischer Farben.
Wenn die Emulation aktiv ist, ahmt der Scheinwerfer die Farbtemperatur einer Wolframlampe nach, wenn Sie die Lichtleistung verringern, um das klassische warme Glühen zu erzeugen.
The Jam Factory Art Center is a lively and invigorating new contemporary art centre and a collaborative community event space, set in a charismatic and brilliantly reimagined Neo-Gothic former distillery and one time Jam factory in picturesque Lviv, the largest city in western Ukraine.
The UK’s Festive holidays ignited the zany and uniquely British performance phenomena of pantomime which came to theatre stages up and down the UK! This year lighting designer Andy Webb was delighted to be asked to design two high-profile panto shows – Aladdin at the Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury and Beauty and The Beast at the Festival Theatre in Malvern, both for UK Productions (UKP).
The Saturday Showdown is South Africa’s newest and hottest prime-time TV sports games show. Lighting designer Ryan Lombard was delighted to be asked onboard and he seized the opportunity to use Robe moving lights, including MegaPointes which were a new investment for rental specialist and lighting supplier, Blond Productions.
Noot vir Noot (Note for Note), a long-running popular and successful Afrikaans language TV music-based games show produced by Stemmburg TV and broadcast on SABC 2 has returned to screens after a two-year break due to Covid, with edition 40 featuring a slightly reimagined version of the slick brand-new set designed by Michael Gill and built by SDS for the fully visually revamped 2019 season.
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