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Baya’ar Invests in More Robe

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorStrobe Lite™
ColorStrobe Lite™ColorStrobe Lite™
Viva™ CMY
Viva™ CMYViva™ CMY

The wedding market is highly competitive in Israel, as well as a chance for couples and their families to share The Big Day in the most spectacular fashion … and leading wedding venue Baya’ar (in the Woods) set in lush and beautiful woodland in Hadera about 30 minutes’ drive north of Tel Aviv, has always prided itself in offering the best possible environment and production values for its clients.

In 2014, they invested in 84 x Pointes and eight LEDWash 600s and a bit later on that same year, two BMFL Spots, all used to create a serious stir on the main dancefloor! It was a ground-breaking move in terms of a venue lighting technology investment, and one that underlined the commitment of its three independent owners.

While Baya’ar raised the bar in everyone’s expectations, to keep themselves ahead of the game, they recently invested again … this time in 10 x Spiider LED wash beams, 7 x VIVA CMY LED Profiles and three Robe ColorStrobes.

The VIVA CMYs replaced some older profile lights from a competitor brand, the Spiiders boosted the presence of high quality LED washes and the ColorStrobes added to the pool of visual excitement.  It also now means that every moving light in the venue … is Robe.

The idea is to ensure Baya’ar maintains its premium position, look its best and offers the greatest value and the most memorable events.

The role of lighting in creating an excellent ambience is clearly understood and creating a monster mind-blowing lightshow was instrumental to the idea of getting people energised by the venue and how it could provide a unique experience for an equally special day.

The stunning lighting scheme was created by Micha Margalit, who has a long and illustrious history as a designer of concerts, events and installations in Israel. He wanted to bring a truly ‘live’ experience to those utilizing Baya’ar.

“It made complete sense to stay with Robe when it came to this latest upgrade,” stated Micha, “the products match each other perfectly in terms of colours and the quality of the light and they are hugely reliable”.

Reliability was a MUST with the venue servicing well over 200 weddings a year.

The VIVA gobos make a great impression on the dancefloor and can be clearly seen in photo sessions, all adding to the overall visual texturing.

The new lights were supplied by distributor Danor Theatre & Studio Systems, and followed in situ demonstrations.

Micha did a re-light of the venue to integrate the new fixtures and ensure they are having an impact.

Lighting operator Boaz Gur is one person who is really enjoying using them, “I now have the ability to work with up to three distinct layers of lighting with the Spiiders, VIVAs and Pointes, which unlocks a whole new world of adventure, operation and control.”

He adds that he can now run lights for almost an entire evening just using the Spiiders in wide mode with each LED individually mapped, plus the cheeky flower effect which can be thrown into the mix for a total surprise!

Baya’ar’s capacity is over 1000, with the average wedding catering for between 400 and 500 guests.


Photo Credit: Louise Stickland

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