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Robe Adds Impact for Mauritius Event

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorSpot 575 AT™
ColorSpot 575 AT™ColorSpot 575 AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorWash 1200E AT™
ColorWash 1200E AT™ColorWash 1200E AT™
LEDForce Par 18™ RGBW
LEDForce Par 18™ RGBWLEDForce Par 18™ RGBW
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™

Two leading technical production companies - Mauritius based Impact Production Group and Johannesburg based Multi-Media - joined forces to provide design services and full technical production for a recent exclusive four-day conference and incentive event on the vibrant and beautiful island of Mauritius.

Five sites were involved, the two largest of which – The Gala dinner staged in a marquee at the Hotel Trou aux Biches and the Segala Beach Stage - featured Robe moving lights at the core of the lighting rigs.

Lighting and set designs for each venue and the conference layout were all created by Multi-Media’s Jason Fritz, who was also the event’s Technical Director working closely with Impact Production’s Project Manager, Jeremie Lamarque.

Equipment and crew was supplied by the two companies, which both have a reputation for technical excellence.

Multi-Media provided specialist projection, screens and control – deployed at two of the sites - plus six crew; while all tents, sound, lighting and staging for all the evening activities together with crew came from Impact.

Jason had produced the same event for the client in 2010 and has also enjoyed a great working relationship with Impact Production in recent years, collaborating on several previous events, weddings and conferences on Mauritius.

Jason worked with Impact’s current stock of lighting equipment when deploying the kit for this event, which includes a large quantity of Robe moving lights.

He is already familiar with all the products as Multi-Media also has the latest Robe technology in its rental inventory and he has been using Robe regularly in work for around 10 years, right since the brand first hit the market!

Lighting on the Beach Stage included 12 x Robe ROBIN 600 LEDWashes, 12 x Robe ColorSpot 700E ATs and 4 x ColorWash 1200E ATs, together with 48 LED PARs. This was used to light a variety of entertainment acts playing throughout the evening.

The Gala Dinner was lit with 12 x Robe ColorSpot 575E ATs and 12 x ColorWash 575E AT moving lights plus a selection of LED PARs and LED battens. The primary creative task here was to make it an atmospheric and attractive environment in which the 700 guests could enjoy the evening.Lighting for both these aspects was operated by CJ Mostard, one of Jason’s crew, using an Avolites Titan Touch and a Pearl console respectively.

On the Mauritius event, Jason comments, “Working so closely with Impact on this, combined with all the pre-planning, meant there were no real challenges on site … everything went extremely smoothly. The crew all had a great attitude and we found solutions to anything and everything that came up, getting through a tough week with very little stress.”

He adds that it was a great opportunity for the Multi-Media and Impact crews to share and interchange some of their skills, knowledge bases and work ethics together.

About Robe Jason says, “I like Robe products very much and they have proved extremely reliable over the years”, adding that the international team at Robe and the service and support from both Robe and its highly proactive South African distributor DWR is “Amazing”.

Multi-Media have Robe LEDWash 600s and 300s, ROBIN 600E Spots, ROBIN 100 LEDBeams and Robe LEDForce PARs in their rental stock.

Apart for the event being a hugely successful collaboration, it was a perfect time for Impact Production’s Director Ariel Lamothe, to invite Robe’s Sales Director Harry von den Stemmen to visit.

“Harry had the opportunity of seeing the Robe fixtures in action on the beach,” says Ariel, “and also was able to see first-hand how quickly Impact Production – which has used Robe products for many years - is growing and moving forward.

“Even on a small island, the event market is lively and healthy and with Robe lights are rocking the scene!”

Harry adds, “It was a short, but highly informative trip that gave me real insight to the quality of Impact's work and their close cooperation with partner companies like Multi-Media from South Africa.

“Robe is extremely proud to be supporting the customers at both ends of these equations. It makes a lot of sense when they team up and pool equipment, crew, talent and expertise to deliver large gigs with high production values in the most economical way”.

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