Germany / DE

Robe for Stimorol Flava’s That Last Roadshow Party

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorSpot 170 AT™
ColorSpot 170 AT™ColorSpot 170 AT™
ColorSpot 250 AT™
ColorSpot 250 AT™ColorSpot 250 AT™
LEDBlinder 196 LT
LEDBlinder 196 LTLEDBlinder 196 LT

Johannesburg SA based Integrity Promotions supplied a full technical production - lighting, sound & AV - package for leading Danish chewing gum brand Stimorol ‘Flava's That Last Road Show' party of 2009 in the city. Robe moving lights were key ingredients in the visual mix.

The event was produced by thewinwingroup for Cadbury South Africa and was a public event. The guest list included media and SA celebrities.

It was staged at Carfax in Newtown, downtown Johannesburg, featuring two dancefloors (Hip Hop & House) buzzing with the latest hip hop and dance beats. The groove-tastic line up included SAMA Award winning Hip Hip superstar and Stimorol brand icon HHP, who performed live. He was joined by DJ Kenzhero, Zubz and RJ Benjamin, Mr Selwyn and Euphonik & Friends (on the house floor) - and others, all of whom got the party started! There was also a surprise performance by Sipho Hotstix who wowed the audience when he performed a few numbers with HHP.

Integrity Promotions' Dean Fourie designed the lighting rig for both rooms using Robe moving lights as his main fixtures. His brief was, make the environment lively, young and vibrant with illumination, reflecting Stimorol's innovative and highly proactive marketing and promotion campaigns.

Incorporating Stimorol's brand colours, Dean utilised pinks, blues and whites extensively, together with plenty of movement for all the artist performances and sets - keeping everything looking fresh and different throughout the evening.

The Hip Hop Dancefloor was lit with 2 Robe ColorSpot 170 ATs on a back truss and another two on the front truss along with 4 x Robe LEDWash 136LTs. There was also a selection of PAR cans and LED panels. It was an intimate sized room, but these Robe units offered more than enough creative options to keep the lighting funky and flowing throughout the night. Lighting was operated by Alex Constantinou using a CompuLite Rave desk.

The House Dancefloor included a stylish dressed stage and a silver semi-circular DJ booth adding a flourish of glamour, with a goal post truss behind, rigged with 6 LED panels. Two Robe ColorSpot 250 ATs were positioned on either leg of the goal post, with another two on top of the PA towers, ground stacked either side of the stage. This was operated by Dean Fourie using a Jands Hog 500 lighting console.

The client was delighted with the results and the excellent presentation and atmosphere enhanced by good staging and appropriate technical production. “We, at Cadbury South Africa, were delighted with the Stimorol Flava’s that Last Stimorol Party. The line-up combined with truly professional staging made for an electric atmosphere where Stimorol users could truly live up to the brand promise and ‘Chew Life’” commented Alistair Mokoena, Director of Gum and Candy at Cadbury South Africa.

Integrity Promotions also supplied equipment and technical design services for Stimorol’s last party of the year in Durban, staged at the Zulu Jazz Lounge shortly after the Johannesburg bash.

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