Germany / DE

Robe for the Sisterhood

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorSpot 575E AT™
ColorSpot 575E AT™ColorSpot 575E AT™
DigitalSpot 5000 DT™
DigitalSpot 5000 DT™DigitalSpot 5000 DT™

Robe moving lights were at the hub of the action for a recent European tour of "The Sisters", a show featuring American Gospel singer Theresa Thomason and others, which was lit by leading Italian LD, Massimo Tomasino.

Tomasino used 16 Robe ColorSpot 575E ATs which were hung on overhead trusses and also positioned on the stage floor, collectively used to produce powerful and dynamic beam patterns and back lighting.

He utilised many of the features and effects offered by the Robe's including subtleties like counter-rotating gobos combined with the prism. One of the many reasons he likes using Robe is the many creative options they offer.

The lighting equipment for the tour was supplied by Salerno-based LP Service srl.

He has used Robe fixtures on many previous occasions, and says, "They are highly professional products and I am absolutely amazed by the quality and mechanical reliability".

He particularly likes the ColorSpot 700 and 1200E ATs, and will be using Robe DigitalSpot 5000 DTs on an upcoming tour with Ivana Spagna.

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