Germany / DE

Robe Has Busy PALME Middle East show

Beteiligte Produkte

CitySkape 48™
CitySkape 48™CitySkape 48™
CitySkape Xtreme™
CitySkape Xtreme™CitySkape Xtreme™
CitySource 96™
CitySource 96™CitySource 96™
LEDBeam 100™
LEDBeam 100™LEDBeam 100™
LEDWash 1200™
LEDWash 1200™LEDWash 1200™
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™
MMX Spot™
MMX Spot™MMX Spot™
ROBIN® 600E Beam
ROBIN® 600E BeamROBIN® 600E Beam
ROBIN® 600E Spot™
ROBIN® 600E Spot™ROBIN® 600E Spot™
ROBIN® 600E Wash
ROBIN® 600E WashROBIN® 600E Wash

Robe enjoyed a busy PALME Middle East exhibition staged over three days at the Dubai International Conference and Exhibition Centre, UAE.

The event was co-ordinated for Robe by Middle East Regional Sales Manager Elie Battah, who was joined on the booth by Elie Ghanem, Technical Support Manager for the Middle East, plus Robe’s Sales Director Harry von den Stemmen, and Sales Assistant Eva Jurenkova.

Robe showcased all its latest innovations including the ROBIN MMX and DLX Spots, the amazing LEDWash 600 and 1200 fixtures, the sensational new LEDBeam 100 and the ROBIN 600 Spot, Wash and Beam series. Also prominent were CitySkape 48s and Xtremes and the City Source 96 LED wash lights.

There was massive interest in all the products. In fact, Elie reckons that it’s the “Best” PALME ME show he has ever experienced, especially the first day, when the booth was literally swamped with visitors from all over the region throughout the entire day.

Products attracting the most attention were the tiny and hugely powerful LEDBeam 100 which everyone loved for its fast movement and incredible ‘cuteness’, and the MMX Spot, which was extremely popular due to its light weight, intensity and great range of features.

The visitor quality was generally very good and included serious players from rental companies, installers and systems integrators as well as designers and technicians, all keen to check out the good things they have heard about the latest Robe technology.

Says Elie, “PALME Middle East is a strategically important show that really brings us closer to our customers from across the region, not just the UAE It was a great opportunity to present all the new products launched at Frankfurt”.

He adds that they had substantial interest from new contacts and people who had not looked at Robe before, but have now picked up on the incredible buzz going around about the current ROBIN product range.

It was the first PALME ME show where deals have been closed on the stand, and people were coming to them with definite orders, knowing exactly what they wanted, rather than just having a browse.

Hopefully this is a good and positive sign for the coming 12 months.

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