Germany / DE

Robe Helps Build New Fan Base

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™ColorSpot 700E AT™
Scan 575 XT™
Scan 575 XT™Scan 575 XT™

Fan Base is an exciting, hi-energy new games show TV series being recorded in South Africa for SABC 1, where the public get to compete with a variety of celebrities by engaging in assorted games.

The show is being recorded in Q-Studios, Kew, Johannesburg and lighting includes a number of Robe moving lights which have been supplied by Centurion-based Blond Productions – one of SA’s leading rental companies. 

Blond’s key lighting designer Peter Reick and director Christiaan Ballot created the show’s production lighting design, which is operated and directed on site by Hein Stroh.

Fan Base replaces the very well established Jam Alley show, which ran for 18 years, so the pressure was on to create something equally as unique and special with a big emphasis on having the right production values on-board.

The look is based around a colourful set designed by Wayne Sproule from Pendragon, and embraces the vibrant, up-tempo pace of the 30 minute show which is targeted at youth audiences with a Kwaito/Hip Hop/Afro Pop slant.

Only minimal flying is possible in the studios, so lights are also rigged on six vertical trussing towers surrounding the circular shaped set and on the floor. Each tower features two Robe Scan 575 XTs and an LED flood.

On the floor are four Robe ColorSpot 700E ATs positioned around the sphere at the back of stage, with another two ColorSpot 700E ATs on the two wedge shaped sections either side.

Other lighting includes PARs, 2K fresnels and some small moving lights, which, together with the Robes are all controlled via a grandMA full size console.

There might only be 18 Robe fixtures in the house, but these have offered more than enough features and functionality to keep things moving and grooving along.

Says Stroh, “The Robes give plenty of options and they are robust, reliable and very versatile”.

Lighting, set, clever camerawork and some very enthusiastic audience participation combine to make the environment look and feel clubby and appear much larger than it actually is, a technique that the team including series director Warren Bleksley have honed to a fine art.

Blond has previously worked with Bleksley on other high profile shows including Big Brother SA, and  is currently his first choice of technical solutions provider.

Bleksley comments, “Lighting is absolutely imperative on a show like this which is all about the visuals and creating a vibe through these”.

Blond is also supplying video and sound to the first 26 episode series which is produced by Dzuguda Communications, and will air on SABC1’s Friday night prime time.

SolanKoliba Fojtka
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