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Robe Helps Save Power in Style for Tokyo Girls

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™ColorSpot 700E AT™
REDWash 3•192™
REDWash 3•192™REDWash 3•192™
ROBIN® 600E Spot™
ROBIN® 600E Spot™ROBIN® 600E Spot™

Japan's latest autumn/winter Tokyo Girls Collection (TGC) fashion show was lit in great style at the Saitama Super Arena in Tokyo by lighting designer Masaaki Aiba and lighting co-ordinator Yoichi Ashikawa, using 90 Robe moving lights supplied by Tokyo based rental company M Tech Style.

The high profile twice yearly TGC event has grown to epic proportions since its beginnings in 2005 - "bringing Japan's 'real clothes' to the world" - and is a big hit on the fashion calendar, showcasing streetwear by domestic designers. This year over 30,000 people enjoyed the 5 hour live stage show, where the designer collections were interspersed with bands, music and other entertainment.

Yoichi Ashikawa of M Tech Style has worked on many previous shows and projects using Robe and for several years the brand has been a favourite, having proved "Robust, reliable, well engineered as well as bright and dynamic". Robe lights are also particularly suitable for the long operating hours involved in the TGC show and its preceding rehearsal days he confirms.

The latest TGC show was particularly challenging to light from many different aspects. Not least because of the current power situation in Japan .... which is in short supply following the meltdown of three out of the six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in March.

All companies and events in the Tokyo area have been required to reduce their power consumption by 15 per cent throughout the summer.

However, despite having to use considerably less lighting fixtures than for the spring/summer TGC show, they did not have to compromise on the look, feel and creative elements of the show because of all the options offered by using Robe moving lights!

M Tech Style has worked on lighting TGC from the start, and has since it has steadily grown into the high tech global fashion phenomenon it is today.

The Robe moving lights - a mix of Robe ColorSpot 700E ATs, ROBIN 600E Spots and REDWash 3●192s, were hung on trusses flown above the runway and to the front and back of that area. The idea was to provide the usual standard light levels - the show was lit in daylight - for the throngs of photographers and film crews in addition to creating some live style drama, glamour and special effects.

The lighting was programmed and operated by Masaaki Aiba using a Maxxys console, and the lower power requirement of these Robe fixtures also helped in drawing less electricity.

Robe's next generation of moving lights - specifically the new ROBIN series - are all designed and being developed to be 'smaller-brighter-lighter' and generally more energy conscious as part of Robe's wider commitment to producing more genuinely sustainable products.

These should be a big success in Japan and elsewhere as industries and nations start seriously looking towards energy saving policies and the increasing need to be more environmentally conscious.

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