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Robe is Chosen for Supernatural Revolution

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorMix 575 AT™
ColorMix 575 AT™ColorMix 575 AT™
ColorSpot 575 AT™
ColorSpot 575 AT™ColorSpot 575 AT™
FAZE 800 FT Pro™
FAZE 800 FT Pro™FAZE 800 FT Pro™
LEDBeam 100™
LEDBeam 100™LEDBeam 100™
LEDWash 300™
LEDWash 300™LEDWash 300™
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™

Robe moving lights were central to the stage lighting scheme created jointly by Edward Puerta, Silvio Sanchez and Elvin Quinones for the “Chosen Generation Conference – Supernatural Revolution” event staged at the King Jesus International Ministry (KJM) in Miami, Florida.

Hosted by Apostle Guillermo and Prophet Ana Maldonado, the youth outreach event attracted over 4500 enthusiastic participants.

The project to light the event was instigated by Eddy Puerta from KJM and the Robe fixtures used were a combination of those from the in-house system plus 24 additional units hired in from James Watson at Arts of South Florida.

The house rig – installed in 2006 by Paradigm Lighting from Tamarac when the building was completed – features six Robe ColorSpot 575E ATs, 24 x Robe ColorWash 575E ATs and 12 Robe ColorMix 575s. These have been in constant use ever since and are still going strong seven years later!

The Supernatural Revolution event was shot in HD and broadcast globally by KJM so it needed to look great on camera as well as live, and also required plenty of  dramatic theatrical style lighting. This was the reason that additional Robe units were specified for the show.

They comprised 12 x LEDBeam 100s, eight LEDWash 300s and four LEDWash 600s, plus a Robe Faze 800 FT Pro fog machine. Arts of South Florida also brought in Florida based freelance LD Peter Moore to light and programme for the Supernatural event.

The 12 ColorMix’s and 16 of the ColorWash 575s which are located over the stage were focussed on architectural features around the room like the altar, various columns, walls, plants, etc.

Six of the ColorSpot 575E ATs were located on the stage at floor level and used for general eye-candy, for creating movements by beaming into the crowd and for audience interaction.

Six ColorWash 575E ATs were positioned around the FOH area and used to bathe the whole auditorium in colour, immersing the young congregation in the ‘worship experience’.

The additional lighting for this event was used to enhance the general performance  lightshow, strengthening the colour and movement around the room and boosting the visual effects onstage, all adding up to a truly special ambience to fit the occasion.

Many elements of the event relied heavily on lighting effects to produce themes and specific moods including the start. During the praise and worship sessions, lighting was used to create a lively festive atmosphere. This style of visual enhancement on a very physical level is regularly used at the Ministry.

For the standard Ministry services, lighting is operated by a team of four volunteers using a grandMA lite console.

Jerry Seay from Robe Lighting Inc. recommended that Puerta and his colleagues used the occasion to take a look in situ at some of Robe’s latest LED moving lights … and they were impressed with the results!

“We greatly appreciated their low power consumption,” says Peurta, explaining that typically they would need to supplement the onstage power to accommodate a rental system of this size.

However, using these additional Robe LED fixtures, all 54 moving lights were powered with the existing available resources!

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