Germany / DE

Robe Sparkles for Haute Coiffure Française Trophy

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorWash 700E AT™
ColorWash 700E AT™ColorWash 700E AT™
MMX Spot™
MMX Spot™MMX Spot™

Robe MMX Spots together with ColorWash and ColorSpot 700E ATs were used by LD Nicky Tisserand and DoP Encre Brune to light the final of the prestigious 2013 Haute Coiffure Française Trophy (HCT) event in Paris.

Organised by global hair brand L’Oréal, it was staged in the Carrousel du Louvre venue and recognises the talents of some of the best international hair stylists. The competition brought together over 100 competitors from 20 countries, which were whittled down to the ten finalists appearing before the jury and the public in Paris.

Twenty-four Robe ROBIN MMX Spots, 24 x ColorWash 700E ATs and eight ColorSpot 700E ATs were used by Nicky in her lighting design, all supplied by rental company Impact Evènement based south of Paris.

Nicky has been using Robe products for some years. It’s the third year she has lit the HCT Final show, and the third time she has used MMX Spots on it.

She specifically likes the dual wheels, the gobo selection, colour mixing and the power and intensity of these fixtures, and they were used extensively to back light the action and texture the stage and the models during the show.

The Robes were positioned on four overhead trusses and on the stage floor.

The ColorWashes were used for what they do best - bathing the stage and audience in a wide selection of colours to match the flamboyance of the hair artwork on show!

The grandMA2 light console running the show’s lighting which also included other moving lights and a selection of generics, was programmed by Christian Imbert, one of France’s best known lighting operators.

The 2013 HCT winner was Pedro Senen Armas Hernandez from the Stylo Salon in Mexico City.


Photo Credits: Nicky Tisserand, Didier Adam

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