Germany / DE

Gig on the Beach

Beteiligte Produkte

BMFL™ Spot
BMFL™ SpotBMFL™ Spot

Lighting designer Eran Klein of leading Israeli creative practice Studio Cochavi & Klein has worked in many interesting places, spaces and environments, so when asked to add his visual magic to an event on Nitzanim Beach, around 45 kilometers out of Tel Aviv in Israel by top wedding planner TY Productions, he knew some special parameters would be needed.

The party was for 200 guests and Eran, a keen Robe user, designed the stage, set and lights, bringing characteristic zest and aesthetic passion to the creative process. Eran wanted to have layers of lighting which could be built up or stripped back according to the mood of the music.

Two vertical trusses were installed either side of the stage, each 5.5 metres high, which were utilized for PA hangs and front lighting positions, with each tower rigged with three Robe Pointes and some Sunstrips and strobes for general dancefloor lighting.

At the back of the stage was a 3.5 diameter circular truss – rigged from the scaffolding with three Robe PixelPATTs making up the centrepiece. On more scaffolding behind, were two pairs of BMFL Spots with another two BMFL Spots behind that, directly on the beach to create another layer of texture and depth.

Eran took his inspiration from a number of different trance festivals for which he’s designed lighting and has developed a particular style, encompassing colours, shapes and the multi-layering of lightsources – giving a distinctive physical spatial shift between them - which were also at the heart of this.

Another reference point was the custom made fabrics that were stretched over the event space. He knew if this makeshift beach-party style roof was lit correctly, it would also be the key to creating the right atmosphere.

Sixteen Spiiders were rigged on 8 poles positioned in a circle around the centre of the space, rigged at two different heights, continuing the layering theme.

On the centre pole was a 2 metre ring with four Pointes and four LED floods which effectively closed off the dancefloor and kept the energy concentrated inside. The lights on the ring also lit the central bar area.

Eight BMFL spots were dotted around the whole structure for additional punch, colour and patterning onto the fabrics, supported by another four BMFL spots on top of containers, adding another height and an additional layer.

Eran likes Robe products for multiple reasons. On an event like this, the colour palette is VERY important. "The bursts of light from the Spiiders are incredibly crisp and punchy, especially with the beam narrowed right down, while having the option of beam, wash and flower effect opens up the dynamics completely," he commented.

Eran was one of the initial LDs to use Spiiders when they first arrived in Israel via distributor Danor last year, and for this project they worked brilliantly, especially in bringing the fabrics alive evoking some seriously psychedelic patterns and effects!

He also describes them as a 'chameleon' luminaire referring to the proliferation of ways in which they can change the vibes and look of any space.

The PixelPATTs looked fantastic and different behind the DJ booth, "I wanted something fresh, new, colourful and eye-catching as a focal point ... and this was an ideal". He has used PATT2013s many times, but the PixelPATTs were a first for Eran and a first in Israel.

Challenges included precise positioning of fixtures, for which Eran and his team had to be creative with the rigging in a very short set-up time.

They had to set up at the start of the evening before the party, so didn’t have the luxury of time! Lighting and sound equipment was supplied by Argaman Systems and Eran programmed and ran the lighting himself, assisted by Omer Israeli.

The sound designer was Amir Etkin, Eyal Katz handled all the technical production, Alon Deco designed and supplied the fabrics and Yado & Eylona were the overall environmental and interior designers – dealing with the flowers, fabrics, room dressing, accessories, etc. while DJ Nir Segal … was the grove-master!


Photo Credit: Eran Beeri

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