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Moshe Kimchi Enjoys Halo RGB and MegaPointe

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Moshe Kimchi is an Israeli lighting designer whose company, Moshe Kimchi Lighting Design, based in Jerusalem, has recently invested in Robe technology, with an initial purchase of 60 x Halo RGB LED rings, quickly followed by 18 x MegaPointes.

As most of Moshe Kimchi’s work also includes designing the project as well as supplying the lighting kit, he has a slightly different take on projects than companies more focused on purely rental operations.

As such, he’s always looking out for new, interesting and different lighting concepts and effects which will enhance his creativity and enable him to deliver fresh and different looking shows.

This is what attracted him to the Halo RGB!

The fixture is a circle of encapsulated bright micro-pixel LEDs which can be DMX controlled or fed with video sources and used to produce ephemeral and magical effects. It can fit on the end of a standard PAR 64 can, giving the legendary rock ‘n’ roll fixture a new contemporary lease of life … or be used as a stand-alone effect.

Moshe first saw the Halo RGB product video, realised the great potential of this fixture for his work – which includes corporates, music shows and dance events – and made the purchase via Robe’s Israeli distributor, Danor Theatre and Studio Systems.

He used them for his “Journey into Space” installation at the 2017 Festival of Light in Jerusalem where he was one of the contributing artists. The Halo RGBs were an integral element of a symbolic giant spaceship that he created, complete with lighting effects synched to a soundscape.

He also used them to help light a large sculptural, illuminated menorah (nine-branched candelabrum) built at the Jerusalem municipality square for the Hanukkah holiday.

The Halo RGBs were his first ever Robe purchase, and he was clearly impressed as the MegaPointes followed shortly after.

Moshe is also not someone who will follow trends for the sake of it! He’s an innovator and likes to bring new and individual ideas to the designed environment.

“I know what I want in a fixture,” stated Moshe. “When the MegaPointe was launched I had a short demo from Danor and then closed the deal. I knew immediately it was a fixture with which I could be highly creative”.

Before the purchase, he was also considering a competitor fixture alongside the MegaPointe, but once he saw it for real, he decided in an instant!

He thinks hybrid lights are definitely where it’s at right now, and is impressed by the small size, light weight and numerous features of the MegaPointe, “There’s a massive amount in a very compact package”.

The 18 x MegaPointes were a substantial investment for a medium sized company and Moshe was the first of two companies in Israel to receive them.

Since then, the lights have been out every week on different shows and events.

At a recent Independence Day dance party in Tel Aviv’s Hangar 11 venue, he used both sets of fixtures.

The Halo RGBs were rigged on a structure behind the DJ booth in a 6 high x 10 wide matrix which looked highly effective as a backdrop and offered something different from an in-the-face HD LED screen. “I wanted an LED and a digital element that was dynamic, kinetic and more off-beat” explained Moshe, “And this arrangement of the Halo RGBs worked perfectly! I like adding a bit of mystery to the equation!”

The MegaPointes showed that 18 fixtures can go a long way in a big barn like space like the Hangar, in which they were rigged on a series of trusses installed in the roof together with some other fixtures. MegaPointes and the Halo RGBs were the main elements of the rig.

“As with every show we do, lighting has to send out a strong message to the audience and our goal is for them to go away with a lasting good impression of how the evening looked and felt atmospherically,” he concluded.

Moshe is passionate about lighting, the industry and his work. Before he started the company, he worked as a technician in various places and after completing his national service in the army 21 years ago, started the company. There are now 15 full time staff and a pool of regular freelancers who work as and when needed, but fairly constantly as they service up to 60 different sized shows and events a month!

Moshe Kimchi Lighting Design recently added power generators to the equipment inventory and is also the distributor for MDG atmosphere machines and effects in Israel.

With a busy schedule already for the rest of the year … Moshe is certain that he will also be investing again in Robe!


Photo Credit: Louise Stickland

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