Business Development
Regular rundown of recent updates to technical documentation on Robe.cz
Service documentation
New service manuals have been released for RoboSpot™ BaseStation , Strobe IP™ , MiniMe DV® and Tarrantula™, providing exploded views, schematics and list of parts for these four products. Spares list has been updated to contain all the newly added parts, together with an update to the http://spares.robe.cz/ . You must be signed in to the https://www.robe.cz/support/ to have access to these documents (this applies mostly to Robe distributors and to certified technicians).
Certification and User manuals
Many user manuals have been updated to keep them up-to date and to clean some typos. New or updated Declarations of conformity and TUV certificates have been uploaded online for the following products: BMFL™ FollowSpot , BMFL™ LightMaster Side/Rear , Tarrantula™ and can be downloaded from the Download section of each product page.
Software updates
Several small updates have been released for many of our products, including Tarrantula™, MegaPointe®, RoboSpot™ BaseStation.
After an update to the RoboSpot, do make sure to perform re-calibration of pan/tilt: deactivate the Controller (via Activate/Deactivate button), move the control handlebars fully to the left until you reach a stop and at the same time move the handlebars fully down until you reach a stop. Keep handlebars in this calibration position and press and hold the PAN button for six seconds until this button's LED blinks.
Technical Newsletter mailing and robe.cz accounts
We hope that our Technical newsletters are useful to you. If you like to continue hearing from us, please make sure to update your subscription settings, otherwise we will have to delete your account from our system by May 25th and you will stop receiving out Technical Newsletters and will loose access to our Service documentation (if applies).
If you like to re-subscribe to our Technical Newsletter and have missed the May 25 deadline, you can subscribe to our Technical Newsletter on this link: https://www.robe.cz/support/registration/ .
Neben Service-Handbüchern für Robin iFORTE® und Robin PAINTE® wurden auch wichtige Software-Updates für viele Geräte, einschließlich iFORTE® und LEDBeam 350™ veröffentlicht. Für mehr Details lesen Sie weiter. Ganz unten finden Sie auch die aktuellen Termine für Schulungen und Workshops von Robe Deutschland.
Here is an update on the status of Robe GDTF development, read on for more details.
Wir haben Software-Updates für mehrere Geräte der Robin-Serie herausgebracht, um die Farbmischung zu verbessern, die Bewegung der Framing Shutter flüssiger zu machen und das Verhalten der Goboräder zu verbessern. Mehr Details im Folgenden!
Before installation and rigging of devices, make always sure to read instructions provided in documentation.
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