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Robe Feels the Pulse

Beteiligte Produkte

BMFL™ Spot
BMFL™ SpotBMFL™ Spot
ColorWash 2500E AT™
ColorWash 2500E AT™ColorWash 2500E AT™
LEDBeam 100™
LEDBeam 100™LEDBeam 100™

A recent Pulse event staged in the Shlomo Arena, Tel Aviv, Israel, gave lighting designer Nikita Chepelev the opportunity to use a variety of Robe moving light products to create a striking design based around the client’s distinctive red and white signature colours.

Nikita was working with a crew from leading Israeli rental company Simul Argaman Systems on the one day event, for which the  Robe elements of the rig included 12 x BMFL Spots, 16 x Spiiders, 16 x LEDBeam 100s and 16 x ColorWash 2500E ATs.

The arena was divided up into different sections and presentation areas, all dedicated to topics like beauty, sports, fashion, games, food, cars, etc, and a stage at one end was used for a series of awards presentations.

The client gave a clear brief about what they wanted in terms of lighting … and also allowed some additional ideas to be brought to the table.

Argaman installed three trusses above the arena, two over the general event area and one above the stage, and the majority of the kit was rigged on these. Eight of the LEDBeam 100s were deployed on the floor out in the lobby and walk-in area.

BMFL gobos were used to light and texture the arena floor in break-up effects which worked very well on the carpet, and also to create subtle movement. The trick was to programme a nice smooth motion that was interesting and perceptible … but not distracting! He was able to achieve this look very successfully with the BMFLs.

The Spiiders were used to wash the important parts of the venue, while the ColorWash 2500s proved ideal for key and highlighting the different stations around the arena floor.

All lighting was controlled by a grandMA2 light console programmed and operated by Nikita.

As a freelance designer, lighting director and programmer, Nikita uses Robe frequently in his work, depending on the rental company he is working alongside and what they have available for the show.

“There are a lot of BMFLs in Israel,” he comments, “No other fixture is quite like a BMFL and so you see them on numerous shows. They are very easy to use, the focus / zoom is excellent and so are the gobos”.

He also likes the Spiider which burst onto the market this year after its launch in autumn 2016 and receiving a huge take-up with the Israeli rental companies.

He thinks the colour match between the various different Robe products is a huge bonus when the rig contains, for example, both BMFLs and MMXs, and it’s very easy to swap and adjust shows between the two sets of fixtures.

Nikita is based in Tel Aviv and has been working as a freelance for the last eight years, before which he worked full time with a rental company.


Photo Credit: Louise Stickland

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