Germany / DE

Robe Goes Global

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorSpot 1200E AT™
ColorSpot 1200E AT™ColorSpot 1200E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorWash 1200E AT™
ColorWash 1200E AT™ColorWash 1200E AT™
ColorSpot 250 AT™
ColorSpot 250 AT™ColorSpot 250 AT™
ColorWash 250 AT™
ColorWash 250 AT™ColorWash 250 AT™

Over 200 moving lights were utilised site wide for the 2009 Global Gathering dance festival staged at Long Marsden Airfield, Warwickshire, UK.

These were supplied by leading UK rental company HSL who were contracted to supply all lighting for the main stage, 5 arenas and 2 outdoor terraces by the event's production lighting and show designers, Electric Fly Productions.

HSL's Mike Oates and Tim Fawkes worked closely with Electric Fly's Nick Jevons and Phil Winward. All the designs were based on simplicity, producing high-impact lighting and effects whilst incorporating rigs devised for quick and easy get ins and de-rigs.

The Robe fixtures were deployed in all the arenas and on the main stage - their great reliability and robustness making them ideal for this type of event, where they are in continuous full-tilt operation for many hours, moving to the groove of the music!

On the main stage were 24 Robe ColorSpot and 18 ColorWash 1200E ATs, rigged on trusses in the roof and on four custom pre-rigged trussing pods flown at the sides of the stage - for low level cross-stage beam work.

The headline acts were Prodigy (LD Andy Hurst) and Orbital (LD Johnny Gaskell)

The Global/Carl Cox arena was the largest of the tented spaces, with a capacity of approximately 12,000, and this featured 20 ColorSpot and 20 ColorWash ATs, along with strobes and video columns. Some of the fixtures were attached to drop bars to break up the gaps and fill the spaces between the strips of video, and all lighting was operated by Nathan Wan.

Over in the GODSKITCHEN Arena, the mega-club's famous "Boom Box" design was constructed - the centre of their stunning visuals show. Framing the Boom Box were 22 Robe ColorSpot 700E ATs, with 16 ColorSpot 1200E ATs and 4 ColorWash 1200E ATs used for audience lighting. All the lighting was run by GOD’s operator Simon Barrington.

The other arenas - Tool Room Knight/Random Concept, Spectrum/Polysexual and Bedrock - all had Robe at the hub of their visual mixes ..... a combination of 700 and 250 Series Spot and Washes.

Once again, Robe proved itself to be a dynamic, flexible creative solution for giving all the different arena lighting designs a unique look and feel, each with a sense of their own identity and flare.

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Feuerwerk der Turnkunst | on stage auf Tour mit Robe
Feuerwerk der Turnkunst | on stage auf Tour mit Robe

Classy heißt die bereits dritte Tourproduktion der bekannten Bühnenshow Feuerwerk der Turnkunst | on stage. Das Format „on stage“ bespielt dabei die kleineren Orte und Hallen – lichttechnisch perfekt in Szene gesetzt von LD Johannes Laugwitz und unter Einsatz von diversen Scheinwerfern von Robe: 12x Spiider, 10x MegaPointe, 9x ESPRITE und 2x T1 Profile FS i.V.m. 2x RoboSpot BaseStation.

311 Day celebrates 34 Years of Underground Cool

In 2024, rockers 311 from Omaha, Nebraska, celebrate 34 years at the cutting edge of underground cool as one of America’s most acclaimed and popular indie bands with a massive ‘cult following’, a phenom celebrated biennially with a ‘311 Day’ concert event … 2 nights of unapologetic 311-core music! Since 2018, this has been staged at The Park Theater at Park MGM, Las Vegas.

Das Alphatier war wieder hier: Marius Müller-Westernhagen auf Tour mit Robe
Das Alphatier war wieder hier: Marius Müller-Westernhagen auf Tour mit Robe

Marius Müller-Westernhagen befindet sich derzeit auf seiner „75Live“-Tour, die bereits kurz nach Bekanntgabe restlos ausverkauft war. Neben seiner bewährten Band aus amerikanischen Topmusikern begleitet den Pfefferminz-Prinzen ein perfektes Licht-Setup von Robe lighting mit 54x Tarrantula, 44x BMFL WashBeam und 36x MegaPointe. LD Andreas Fuchs erläutert die Einzelheiten.

Robe beleuchtet die Aut of Orda Tour „Das Empörium schlägt zurück“ mit beeindruckendem Equipment

Die Band Aut of Orda wurde erst 2023 gegründet, bringt aber große Fußstapfen mit sich: Sie setzt sich aus Paul Pizzera (Pizerra & Jaus) und Christopher Seiler (Seiler und Speer), sowie dem Produzenten, Musiker und Sänger Daniel Fellner zusammen. Die Debut-Tour „Das Empörium schlägt zurück“ tourt aktuell durch Deutschland und Österreich. Lichtdesigner Andreas Fink und das technische Team von Noisegate unter der Leitung von Harald Thaler setzen für die Tour unter anderem auf Robe-Scheinwerfer. Bei der Show im Orpheum in Graz kamen 4x Forte, 12x Esprite, 12x Spiider, 12x LedBeam 350, 16x Tetra2 und 8x MegaPointe zum Einsatz.

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