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Robe LEDWash 600s Shine for Amway Gala Dinners

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorSpot 1200E AT™
ColorSpot 1200E AT™ColorSpot 1200E AT™
ColorSpot 2500E AT™
ColorSpot 2500E AT™ColorSpot 2500E AT™
ColorWash 2500E AT™
ColorWash 2500E AT™ColorWash 2500E AT™
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™
REDWash 3•192™
REDWash 3•192™REDWash 3•192™

Clifton Productions supplied over 200 Robe moving lights including 80 of the new ROBIN LEDWash 600s for 4 high profile gala dinners at the Dome, Sydney Showground, Australia, produced by Blake Harris of Triumph Leisure Solutions (<a href="">Event Managers</a>) for 9000 delegates from the Amway China Incentive.

It was one of the biggest and most spectacular corporate events recently staged in Australia and ranks as one of Sydney's biggest business events for 2011.

With creative input from David Atkins and Ignatius Jones - visual imagineers of many spectaculars including the amazing opening and closing ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver - the whole environment was transformed into an undersea experience for the Amway dinners.

Numerous high impact effects and visuals featured - including huge HD projections onto a 130 metre wide curved screen. A world class entertainment programme was choreographed by Jason Coleman and his team from Ministry of Dance, featuring 300 performers and the evenings were headlined by Taiwanese singing/songwriting/producing legend, Jonathan Lee.

Andy Mutton was the lighting designer. His rig included 50 x Robe ColorSpot and 50 x ColorWash 2500E ATs, 50 x ColorSpot 1200s as well as the 80 LEDWash 600s and 20 x Robe REDWash 3●192s. In addition to illuminating 8 stages of live action (up to 6 running simultaneously) and the room for the dinner, he had to highlight a series of custom props, acrobats, roving and aerial performers.

Most of the lighting - with other LED fixtures including 48 x Anolis ArcPADs, plus lots of generics, strobes, etc - was hung on an intricate network of trusses, flown from the 42 metre high roof of the Dome. The generic lighting, moving lights and LED fixtures were all operated by Andy Mutton and Franco Calvi using Road Hog Full Boar and grandMA consoles respectively.

The lighting challenges included covering all the performances and artists, ensuring that the room looked spectacular in its own right and keeping the WOW factors coming from start to finish.

Cliftons were the first lighting rental company in Australia to take delivery of the new Robe ROBIN LEDWash 600s, which are taking the lighting industry by storm, with their intense brightness, large zoom, fabulously homogenised lightsource, smooth colour mixing across all areas of the spectrum and the ability to produce "real" whites at a variety of colour temperatures.

This was the most LEDWash 600s that Mutton has used to date on a show, and they helped enormously in adding to the magic and sense of extravaganza.

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