Germany / DE

Robe Melts Down at Ferropolis

Beteiligte Produkte

ColorBeam 700E AT™
ColorBeam 700E AT™ColorBeam 700E AT™
ColorSpot 2500E AT™
ColorSpot 2500E AT™ColorSpot 2500E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorWash 700E AT™
ColorWash 700E AT™ColorWash 700E AT™
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™

Robe moving lights were utilised on the Main and Gemini Stages at the 2012 Melt Festival, one of the most highly rated indie electronica-meets-rock festivals in Europe.

The event is staged amidst the stunning environs of the Ferropolis peninsula, Gräfenhainichen, an open air museum featuring a selection of giant 20th century industrial machines, like coal mining diggers, that provide a unique skyline.

Lighting equipment for the Main and Gemini stages was supplied by Berlin based TSE AG.

Their brief for the production lighting design was to create rigs that were very flexible and could cater for the vast array of bands and DJs performing over the three days, many of which brought their own lighting designers and specials packages and also hooked in to the ‘house’ rigs.

TSE AG decided to spec Robe as it is one of the premium brands in their rental inventory, and because they knew Robe moving lights would give everyone involved plenty of creative options.

On the Main Stage 24 Robe ColorSpot 2500E ATs and 16 ColorBeam 700E ATs were deployed and used to help create some great moments for headline bands like Gossip and Justice.

The very powerful ColorSpot 2500E ATs were ideal for cutting through all the wash lights and making a great impact onstage with its excellent colour mixing capabilities and range of gobos.

The ColorBeam 700E ATs were used for more specific effects and accents, the impressive sharp, very intense beams adding to the general drama of the stage look.

The Gemini Stage was a tented arena for which TSE AG provided five ColorSpot 700E ATs, 19 x ColorWash 700E ATs and 36 ROBIN 600 LEDWashes. The LEDWashes were used for general stage coverage and also for engulfing the audience and bringing them into all the action.

TSE AG has been buying Robe products for some time and has always had a good experience with the brand. The company is a valued long term customer of Robe’s German distributor LMP, and they continue to invest in Robe as new and exciting technology comes on line.

Melt 2012 – one of the most sought after events of the summer Festival calendar - was completely sold out months in advance and attended by 20,000 lucky music fans.

Highlights included the UK’s Bloc Party, playing live again for the first time since 2009 and debuting material from their new album. Others making an impression included  Two Door Cinema Club, M83, Richie Hawtin, Plan B, Laurent Garnier and numerous others.

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