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Robe MiniMes Emphasise Branding at Dinghy Show

Beteiligte Produkte

LEDBeam 100™
LEDBeam 100™LEDBeam 100™

Rob Praine from Southampton UK based event production company, Emphasis Event Production Ltd (EEP), put the company’s new Robe ROBIN LEDBeam 100s and Award Winning ROBIN MiniMe effects fixtures to the test for the 2014 RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show at London’s Alexandra Palace.

Working for Marketing agency, MindWorks Marketing, the EEP team designed and provided set, staging, lighting, audio and AV for several presentation areas at the venue across the two day exhibition, including for the main live events stage.

This featured a busy daily schedule of presentations and seminars by many individuals including Olympic sailors and technical aficionados from the world of dinghy sailing.

Praine used 10 LEDBeam100s and MiniMes on the stage. The LEDBeams were purchased complete with the diffuser option, which he says “Makes them ideal for the corporate market,” and the two MiniMes were on their first ever show for EEP!

The stage featured an 8 metre wide white set at the back, complete with a 3mm pitch LED screen in its centre used as a visual aid for the presentations, flanked by two light-boxes over-printed with graphics. The two MiniMes were rigged on side trusses integrated into the stage design, and beamed additional dynamic branding onto the set and around the stage floor during the presentations, generally reinforcing the presence of the sponsor brands.The LEDBeam 100s were used to highlight the stage area generally and the presenters in particular. “They worked really well,” states Praine, delighted with the results.

EEP’s LEDBeams were purchased at the end of 2013 and have been constantly in use ever since for their busy events calendar, which includes a constant stream of exhibition stands, conferences, car launches and awards ceremonies.

The company originally bought Robe products several years ago – the 250E AT series – and these are still going strong! “So I know absolutely first-hand that any Robe products are going to be extremely well engineered, reliable and will last for several years’ service,” comments Praine.

He also purchased the lens kits to make the tiny but powerful fixtures even more versatile and, in the process, found that they are very popular as a dry hire and cross-rental items.

“They are cracking little fixtures and work hard on nearly all of our gigs – they are incredibly bright and so light it’s almost unbelievable!” Praine continues.

The MiniMes were seen at PLASA 2013.  They are “Right up our street” and provide a cost-effective solution for corporate branding and logo projections – exactly as per the Dinghy Show.

“We do a lot of this type of effects lighting,” explains Praine, “So they really hit the spot – the HDMI streaming is a great feature for showing promo and other videos on exhibition stands.”

As well as commending Robe for producing a range of good quality products for the corporate world, he also applauds the “Fantastic service, back-up and support from Robe UK.”

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