Germany / DE

Robe Supports Art of Light Onstage Launch

Beteiligte Produkte

BMFL™ Blade
BMFL™ BladeBMFL™ Blade
BMFL™ Spot
BMFL™ SpotBMFL™ Spot
DL4F Wash™
DL4F Wash™DL4F Wash™
DL4S Profile™
DL4S Profile™DL4S Profile™
DL7S Profile™
DL7S Profile™DL7S Profile™
LEDWash 800™
LEDWash 800™LEDWash 800™
PATT 2013™
PATT 2013™PATT 2013™

Robe continued supporting the worldwide introductions of award winning lighting designer Yaron Abulafia’s authoritative book, “The Art of Light On Stage – Lighting in Contemporary Theatre” published by Routledge, this time at the Israeli Opera in Tel Aviv in conjunction with “Man of the Hour” a production by acclaimed international choreographer Itzik Galili, with Yaron’s innovative lighting design.

The book launch took place on 3rd December and attracted around 130 Israeli professional lighting designers, technical directors, scenographers, scholars and students, followed by the show at the national opera.

Erez Hadar from Danor Theatre & Studio Systems - Robe’s distributer in Israel - presented some of Robe’s state of the art lighting technologies on the opera stage.

Danor’s sponsorship of the Tel Aviv event follows on from that of Robe UK, involved similarly in November at the Royal Opera House in London, and before then, Robe s.r.o in the Czech Republic, who supported the book’s world premiere at the 2015 Prague Quadrennial in June.

Erez’s presentation included Robe’s latest DL series of LED luminaires which are designed and built for theatre and performance applications.

A selection of DL4F fresnels and DL7S profiles were hung in the gallery and above the main stage of the Opera House as an active part of the presentation. Erez outlined the progress of Robe’s product development, specifically in relation to its newest theatre ranges, and highlighted features of the DL series like the precise framing shutters, super-smooth dimming curves and near silent operation.

Erez also ran through a number of other current Robe fixtures that are useful to stage and performance environments including the LEDWash series, Pointe, BMFL series, Square, PATT 2013 and DL4S.

Danor also invited a wide cross section of the Israeli professional lighting community including theatre, studio and stage LDs and operators and technical managers from the worlds of performance and TV, all of whom combined with Yaron’s guests to bring a great synergy to the event …

… which then proceeded with a conversation between Yaron, choreographer Itzik Galili, renowned scenographer and educator Prof. Miriam Guretzki; theatre maker and researcher Ira Avneri.

This was followed by Yaron's presentation on ‘Bodily Experience and the Meaning of Light’.

The book launch and the premier were both a great success!

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