Germany / DE

Robe Supports Sørgekåpe Album Launch

Beteiligte Produkte

BMFL™ Spot
BMFL™ SpotBMFL™ Spot
CycFX 4™
CycFX 4™CycFX 4™
CycFX 8™
CycFX 8™CycFX 8™
LEDBeam 1000™
LEDBeam 1000™LEDBeam 1000™
LEDWash 1200™
LEDWash 1200™LEDWash 1200™
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 800™
LEDWash 800™LEDWash 800™
MMX Blade™
MMX Blade™MMX Blade™
MMX WashBeam™
MMX WashBeam™MMX WashBeam™

Lars Bakke and the sales team from Robe’s Norwegian distributor Norsk Sceneteknikk based in Spydeberg, seized the opportunity to actively support local prog-rock band Sørgekåpe with additional lighting … when lead singer Kim Lunde started working with them about a year ago.

They saw several opportunities in this. Firstly to learn more about the Robe fixtures they are selling, secondly, the gigs provide an opportunity for inviting potential clients to real ‘live’ demos of the products working in situ … and thirdly, they were really happy to be supporting an excellent artist. It was a win-win scenario all round!

Sørgekåpe recently launched their new album “Intelligent Kjærlighet” with a special showcase performance at Askim Cultural Center (in their home town), which was also recorded for a DVD. Lars decided to ‘push the boat out’ with his creative lighting design and ensure that the production values were really stepped up for the gig.

He utilized a whole variety of Robe fixtures to help produce this spectacular and animated show, including six BMFL Spots, ten LEDBeam 1000s, six Pointes, 24 x miniPointes, together with CycFX 4s and 8s, LEDWash 1200s, 800s and 600s, MMX Blades and WashBeams … plus other fixtures like strobes, LED units and Moles.

Three trusses were installed in the roof, a ground-supported circular structure was constructed around - and above - the drum kit, and there were also ground supported side truss ladders which were used for lighting positions.

A ‘signature’ lighting look was created with the positioning of the 24 x miniPointes around the outside rail of the circle, with LED lights and strobes on the inside. This was a real WOW factor for the packed audience, who responded with audible ‘oooh’s and ‘aaahhh’s throughout the set as Lars fired up numerous different looks emanating from the lights rigged on the circle!

The six Pointes were hung on the side trusses and used for dramatic cross lighting and shooting different effects across the stage, with the CycFX vertically rigged along the tops of the side trusses and strobes dotted in-between the Pointes.

On the floor, two of the BMFL Spots were used to project colours and gobos onto the back drape, and downstage on the front truss, the MMXs were ideally placed for key lighting along with more conventionals including fresnels.

As this show was launching the new album, Lars took the colours from the artwork as a basic starting point as he started programming the lighting. Magenta and white were prominent, and he also worked in plenty of retinal-burn out moment with strobing and blinding … which suited the music perfectly!

The band had requested some in-air beam effects – for which the BMFLs, Pointes and miniPointes completely killed it … and the rest was left entirely to his expertise and judgement of what looked best and most spectacular.

The eight LEDBeam 1000s added “dramatically” to the show, Lars explained. He really likes the super-bright output and quick pan / tilt and zoom together with the zone control which greatly enhanced the palette of effects.

“All the fixtures really helped energise the show,” he commented. With 16 songs to program on his Jands Vista console, he had a massive choice and was able to give each song many unique looks without any repetition.

Everyone – band and fans alike – was blown away with such spectacular visual design, all helping to create a memorable evening for the start of the ‘Intelligent Kjærlighet’ cycle.


Photo Credit: Lasse Bakke

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