Germany / DE

Said-Galiev Cultural Centre Chooses Robe

Beteiligte Produkte

LEDBeam 150™
LEDBeam 150™LEDBeam 150™
ParFect 150™ RGBW
ParFect 150™ RGBWParFect 150™ RGBW

Robe luminaires were selected for another premium cultural project, this one at the Said-Galiev Cultural Centre in Derbyshki in Kazan, the capital of the Russian semi-autonomous region of Tatarstan, an area renowned as a lively melting pot of Russian and Tatar heritage.

Robe’s Russian distributor LTM – with branches in Moscow, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg – delivered the order of Robe Pointes, LEDBeam 150s and ParFect 150s for its client the Altin Group. LTM also undertook all the related installation and commissioning work for the Robe moving lights and other elements of the venue’s lighting that were extensively updated in this project.

The ornate Said-Galiev Cultural Centre has two main auditoriums, a main one seating 560 and a smaller 120 capacity hall and was originally built in 1959. This latest technical upgrade, which also included audio, flexible rigging, LED screens and a cinema projection system enables it to stage a range of shows and events.

The Robe luminaires are all being utilised in the main hall. Four of the Pointes are positioned above the stage with more rigged in the ‘slips’ positions either side of the pros arch for high tight angled lighting onto the forestage. They were chosen for their power and intensity. More Pointes – together with other new lighting fixtures – are rigged on portable side booms onstage.

The LEDBeam 150s and ParFect 150s were chosen for their high luminosity, perfectly matching optics, and quality of output. Some of these are on the side booms with others lighting from the galleries and foyer.

These three types of Robe fixtures have also been specified by LTM for similar installations in recent years including at the Dagun Omayev Palace of Culture in Grozny city, Chechnya, the State Drama Theater named after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov in Tskhinvali and the Theater Crave in Moscow which is specially designed to hold cabaret shows.

Photo Credit: courtesy LTM

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