Germany / DE

VGL Catches the Action at Tecné expo in Santiago, Chile

Beteiligte Produkte

DL4S Profile™
DL4S Profile™DL4S Profile™
DL4X Spot™
DL4X Spot™DL4X Spot™
LEDWash 1200™
LEDWash 1200™LEDWash 1200™
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™

Robe’s Chilean distributor VGL made plenty of noise at the recent Tecné broadcast trade show at the Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho in Santiago, Chile, with Robe prominently displayed on the booth together with a selection of other premium brands represented by VGL.

The Santiago based sales specialist  has exhibited at Tecné for the last five years in which time the event has grown steadily, attracting more exhibitors, visitors and media coverage. “All good signs,” said VGL’s Sales Manager Daniel Vinagre who led the team.

The booth had specific areas designated to each brand, and to maximise the impact of the Robe products, they rigged fixtures all over the booth including Pointes, LEDWash 600s and 1200s and the brand new DL4S Profile and DL4X Spots. These were also used to illuminate the venue structure, walls and ceiling ensuring that plenty of attention was drawn to the booth!

A good selection of visitors included rental companies, lighting, sound, AV broadcast and educational professionals, many of whom were looking at the Robe technology.

The show is “Getting more organised and professional each year” commented Daniel, who thinks it could become the largest pro AV show in Chile and also reckons it is snapping at the heels of other more established shows in South America in terms of profile and presence.

VGL arrange several ‘extra-curricular’ activities over the two days duration of the expo with their clients and had a series of major meetings with leading television channels including TVN, Chilevision, MEGA and C13.

VGL also concurrently ran demonstrations and workshops for interested parties with some of their other brands.

Daniel was very pleased with the outcome. “VGL has definitely gained more traction generally in the pro broadcast and production industry and a large part of that you can put down to associating with quality brands,” he concluded.


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